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Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS)

Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS)  The Intervention and Referral Services Team, (I&RS) is a multi-disciplinary team.  Currently, the team consists of a general education teacher, special education teacher, social worker, reading specialist, learning consultant and administrators.  The purpose of the team is to identify students who are experiencing academic, behavioral, social, emotional or health difficulties within the school environment.  The team meets on a monthly basis to develop strategies to assist teachers who have referred students.  During the meeting, and action plan is developed to be implemented by the teacher.  During the implementation period,  data is collected to assess the effectiveness of the action plan.  When necessary, parents will be invited to the I&RS meeting to assist in the development of the action plan and to continue to provide the suggested strategies in the home environment.  The I&RS team also serves as a referral service to students to be evaluated by the Child Study Team.  Please contact your child's teacher for more information on the Intervention and Referral Services process.